Emily Warner Emily Warner

Embracing Fall at Violette Hill: A Seasonal Celebration of Hay, Animals, and Family Fun


As summer bids farewell and fall begins to grace us with its crisp, cool air and vibrant colors, we find ourselves reflecting on what has been an incredible journey for our family and our farm. This year marked our first summer at Violette Hill Hay Farm, and what a learning experience it has been.

Traditionally, our family has been involved in hay farming in the northern states, where the landscape and climate are vastly different from Florida. Transitioning to farming in this new environment required a steep learning curve. We invested in hay equipment and faced the decision of choosing between a square baler and a round baler. After careful consideration, we opted for the square baler. Our preference for square bales stems from their ease of storage and the nostalgic charm of handling these bales in the field. There’s something uniquely satisfying about the process of picking up freshly baled square bales—a ritual that holds special memories for me from my own childhood.

One of the driving factors behind starting this venture was to provide my son with the same rich farm experience that I enjoyed growing up. I wanted him to have the opportunity to drive tractors, stack hay bales, and fully immerse himself in the rhythm of farm life. I am thrilled to share that we successfully completed our first cutting of hay. To manage the workload, we divided the field into sections, which, in retrospect, was a wise decision. Unfortunately, our first small section was caught by rain. Despite this setback, we managed to bale the hay after it dried, and our cows have been happily munching on it. Cows, with their more forgiving tastes, seem to be quite content with the less-than-perfect hay.

Our second field, however, was much luckier. We completed the cutting without any rain interruptions, which allowed us to produce a high-quality batch of Florida hay. The result was a beautifully green hay that has been well-received by our horses. This success was a milestone for us and a great boost of morale.

As we transition into fall, our focus shifts to preparing the farm for our visitors. This time of year is especially exciting as we look forward to hosting our fall festival. This event is not only a chance to showcase our farm but also an opportunity to welcome the community and share the joys of farm life. Preparing for this festival has been a family effort, with each member taking on specific roles to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Our fall festival will feature a variety of activities designed to engage visitors of all ages. We’re excited to offer a large petting zoo, where guests can interact with a wide range of animals. This hands-on experience is a highlight of our festival, allowing visitors to get up close and personal with our friendly farm animals. In addition to the petting zoo, we’ll have pony rides available for an additional fee. These rides provide a delightful experience for children and families alike, adding an extra layer of fun to the day.

Other activities at the festival will include pumpkin painting, face painting (available for an additional fee), and an animal circle interaction pen that changes every hour. We’re also introducing corn hole and pumpkin bowling, which promise to be a hit with both kids and adults. Our festival will feature local food vendors, craft vendors, and a chance to support a local cat rescue.

To round out the season, we will be offering homeschooling Fridays in October. These educational sessions will be structured to include 30 minutes of animal interaction, a 1-hour class on topics such as cows, pigs, rabbits, and horses, and 30 minutes of additional activities. The classes are designed to be engaging and informative, with different age-appropriate packets available to ensure that children from toddlers to teens are involved and excited.

As we reflect on our journey and look forward to the fall festivities, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. The past summer has been filled with hard work, learning, and growth. Visiting our family farm in Massachusetts and participating in the local county fair was a highlight, offering a glimpse into the traditions that have shaped our family. Seeing future generations of our family show at the same fair was a poignant reminder of the enduring connection between farm life and community.

With our fall festival just around the corner, we are busy getting everything ready to welcome visitors. It’s a time of excitement and anticipation as we prepare to share our farm with the community. We can’t wait for you to join us and experience the joy of fall on the farm.

Thank you for being part of our journey. We look forward to seeing you at the festival and sharing all the wonderful experiences we have planned!

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